Sunday, October 30, 2011

From #Occupied Boston (#TomemonosBoston)-Day Thirty-One Round-Up- An Injury To One Is An Injury To All!-Defend All The Occupation Sites And All The Occupiers!–No Mas- The Class-War Lines Are Being Drawn- There Is A Need To Unite And Fight Or Get Picked Off One By On-All Out November 2, 2011 In Solidarity With Occupy Oakland’s General Strike!-This Is Our John Brown Moment!

Click on the headline to link to updates from the Occupy Boston website.Occupy Boston started at 6:00 PM, September 30, 2011. I will post important updates as they appear on that site.
We Created The Wealth, Let's Take It Back! Labor And The Oppressed Must Rule!

Somos la Sociedad conformando el 99% -Dewey Square, Cercerde South Station

#Tomemonos Boston se reuniarin en el Dewey Square en Downtown Boston a discutir cambios que la ciudadania puede hacer en el gobierno que afecte un cambio social positivo.
Markin comment October 25, 2011

Comment made in reaction to the police raid on the Occupy Oakland site.

And as always-everybody, young or old, needs to stand by this slogan - An Injury To One Is An Injury To All!-Defend All The Occupation Sites And All The Occupiers Everywhere! Hands Off Occupy Oakland!
Markin comment October 26, 2011:

Comment made in reaction to the police raid on the Occupy Atlanta site.

This having to send solidarity messages almost daily is getting too redundant, way too redundant. Forget this notion of each occupation site being a separate operation. The Occupy Movement had better unite to fight nationally (and internationally) or they (and you know who the "they" is) will pick it off one by one like they are doing now. It is the same struggle, same fight! An injury to one is an injury to all!

Markin comment October 27, 2011:

The news from the Occupy movement the past few days has been grim, from the woods (okay, sort of woods) of New Hampshire to the hard-bitten cities of Oakland and Atlanta, Occupy sites have been raided by police (and other agencies) and torn down. Each such defeat for the Occupy movement only emboldens the local satraps of bourgeois order in other locales to emulate their fellow authorities. I say No mas, no more, nix. The Occupy movement has prided itself on its decentralized structure and for the first few weeks that held up fairly well. That time, however, is now passing.

The signs are clear that the bourgeoisie (the one-percent and their hangers-on) have decided that enough is enough. Enough of unsightly campsites, unruly crowds, and worst of all, those slogans being shouted in the streets about taking their dough away. The bourgeoisie will let many thing pass but not threats to their control of society and to their dough. So the Occupy movement needs to gear up, stop thinking that it is dealing with a rational enemy, and think more about the class-war lines that are being drawn by them (and you know who the “them” is) even as I write.

Movements like the Occupy movement, which has moved many people off dead-center, do not come around often enough to squander the valuable human resources that have accrued in our current fight for social justice. I will more write about this situation as events unfold but for now, as I made a point of in the headline to this entry, those who support, and/or defend the Occupy movement had better think about uniting forces, nationally and internationally, in a much more politically organized way than has been done thus far. Frankly I am getting tired of, almost daily, cutting and pasting my main slogans- An Injury To One Is An Injury To All!-Defend All The Occupation Sites And All The Occupiers Everywhere! Hands Off Occupy -------! - and just changing the name of the city. It is the same struggle, same fight for all!
Markin comment October 28, 2011:

The grim news out of Occupy Oakland over the past few days, where serious causalities have been taken, only emphasizes the pressing need for a unified, united, huge response not only by those who already adhere to the Occupy movement or already are committed to defending it, but to other elements in the labor, student, and general progressive movement who have thus far stood on the sidelines. The class-war lines are being drawn, drawn sharply, by the bourgeoisie (the one percent, its hangers-on, and its police and military forces) and the Occupy movement and others best prepare now to defend against the “push back.” Thus, all efforts need to be made everywhere to stand in solidarity with the call by Occupy Oakland for a city-wide general strike (see below) there. An Injury To One Is An Injury To All!-Defend All The Occupation Sites And All The Occupiers!–No Mas- The Class-War Lines Are Being Drawn- There Is A Need To Unite And Fight, Nationally And Internationally, Or Get Picked Off One By On-All Out November 2, 2011 In Solidarity With Occupy Oakland’s General Strike!

Markin comment October 29, 2011:

As noted in the headline the Occupy movement cannot continue to take defeats like those imposed by the police raids and brutality in Oakland (and elsewhere). The general strike called for November 2, 2011 by Occupy Oakland is the start of our push-back. All Oakland labor, beginning with the powerful long-shore workers at the Port of Oakland, must shut down business as usual that day. All out students, workers, and oppressed peoples of Oakland. And the rest of us should shut down what we can in solidarity. This is our John Brown moment. They don’t come often to the downtrodden and oppressed as history shows- so we had better strike the blow now.
Press Release: Resounding Silence, General Strike Over Marine Injured by Oakland Police

October 27th, 2011

*FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 27, 2011*
Twitter: @occupyBOS_media

Scott Olsen, 24—a former member of the 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines and a veteran of two tours in Iraq—remains in serious condition at Highland Hospital in Oakland with a fractured skull and brain swelling. Riot police fired a projectile into Olsen’s face on Tuesday before throwing flash grenades at his fellow protesters while they attempted to move him to safety. Despite the severity of Olsen’s injuries, local and national media have largely ignored the story. As of Thursday morning, The Boston Herald and FOX 25 had no definite plans to cover the incident, nor had Oakland’s citizen review board opened an official inquiry.

Videos posted to YouTube depicting a member of the riot police throwing a flash grenade at protesters attempting to help the injured Olsen have stirred international outrage, but coverage remains minimal.

Last night, thousands marched to retake Oscar Grant Plaza for Occupy Oakland before calling for a general strike on November 2, saying:
We as fellow occupiers of Oscar Grant Plaza propose that on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, we liberate Oakland and shut down the 1%. We propose a city-wide general strike and we propose that we invite all students to walk out of school. Instead of workers going to work and students going to school, the people will converge on downtown Oakland to shut down the city.All banks and corporations should close down for the day or we will march on them.

Occupy Boston stands in solidarity with Scott Olsen and with Occupy Oakland as we continue our peaceful pursuit of international economic justice. We are the 99%, and we are no longer silent.

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